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Growing up in rural Oklahoma left a lot of time to dream, imagine and practice creating. Creating was sidelined by university, then marriage and teaching elementary. I loved teaching but when my husband and I had our first daughter it was our decision for me to stay at home, I could save more money than I made working and save us both a little stress.

Being a stay at home mom required my intellect, energy and imagination to keep our family feeling at home as we moved due to my husband’s career. Our moves included Maryland and Puerto Rico before landing in Texas.

There were four of us in our core family as we moved. Along the way we added fur babies, who are a part of the family in every way. One of our companions through many of these moves has been our faithful dachshund, Tito. He has outlasted several other dogs and six moves. He is now 16, has doggie dementia, with bad days but on his good days he still shows us his sweet adventurous heart. He has been surfing in Puerto Rico on a body board, played in snow in Colorado and hiking in the deserts of west Texas.

Through the adventures of life, moving, new and old friends and raising two great young women, I decided to got back to my beginnings to dream, imagine and create. Having always dreamed of writing I was nervous but very excited to begin a new adventure.
I look forward to where my books will take me and where my stories will take you.

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